gasprofi 1 SCS micro school edition, safety laboratory sterilizer, with button f

gasprofi 1 SCS micro school edition, safety laboratory sterilizer, with button f
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Order-No.: 6007000 Price on request for 1 piece
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Safety Gas Burner gasprofi 1 micro school edition

Safety gas burner for the chemistry laboratory. Very high safety standards for working with
flames. For sterilising, heating and other flame related applications. Flame monitor for more
safety: the flame is re-ignited automatically if it goes out inadvertently. For example, if the
flame is extinguished due to over-boiling of liquids and cannot be re-ignited, the burner
automatically shuts the gas supply off. Removable burner head (stainless steel).

- Switches flame on and off at the touch of a button.
- Flame burns only as long as it is required.
- With the DualKnob for adjusting gas and air flow, the flame can be precisely regulated.
- Casing / operating controls: stainless steel, UV and solvent resistant.
- lf liquids are spilled, they can flow out through a drain.
- Can be used with natural gas and propane / butane gas.
- Automatic unit switch off after 4 h.
- Licenses: DIN-DVGW Reg.-No.: NG-2211AS0167.
- Dimensions: 85x49x86mm
- Foot pedal optional

The range:
gasprofi 1 micro school edition
with button function
Safety Control System (SCS)
Removable and decomposable burner head
Nozzles for natural gas and propane / butane gas
Tilt mechanism, right / left
Turbo flame
Wrench 17 mm for gas connection
Screwdriver for burner head and cover of burner shaft
Tubing connector with swivel nut
Switching power supply (global)
Instruction manual and 2-year warranty

(-) Technical data:
Product type description: Gasprofi 1 SCS micro school edition


  • 6000102
    DVGW-Safety tubing, for push-fit connection, lengh 0.5 m
  • 6000112
    DVGW-Safety tubing, threaded screw connection, lengh 0.5 m
  • 6000124
    Tubing deflector , for front side gas connection
  • 6000200
    Spray protector, for Fuego and gasprofi series, w/o slots
  • 6000312
    DVGW-Gas r tubing for threaded screw connection, length 1.5 m
  • 6000320
    Tray , mobile, 5 places, made of stainless steel
  • 6000341
    Tray for Gasprofi 1 micro serie, 3 places, made of stainless steel
  • 6000400
    Autoloop Pro for Gasprofi micro Series, fully automatic carrousel, for flame st
  • 6000402
    Foot pedal , made of stainless steel
  • 6000403
    Foot pedal Mini, made of plastic
  • 6000750
    Gas-Safety Adapter 444, gasprofi 1 SCS micro and Fuego Series
  • 6000800
    Gas-Safety adapter 206, gasprofi, Fuego Series,Flame 100
  • 6000810
    Gas-Safety Adapter 1750, With integrated pressure regulator, shut-off valve, sta
  • 6000820
    Gas-Safety Adapter 250, for Flame 100, gasprofi, Fuego Series
  • 6000850
    Gas-Safety Adapter 470, gasprofi, Fuego Series,Flame 100
  • 8000404RF
    Wireless Foot Pedal, made of stainless steel, for Flame 100/110
  • 8000600
    Windshield, for Fuego and gasprofi series
  • 8000700
    Safety adapter 360, Fugeo SCS-/Gasprofi 1 micro Series, for cartridges CV 360
  • 8100091
    Double size burner head, for Fuego SCS and Gasprofi SCS series



  • 6000501
    Switching power supply
  • 8100090
    Burner head made of stainless steel , for Fuego SCS and Gasprofi 1 SCS micro